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Expert Interviews

Our experts discuss today’s trends and challenges in water, environment, sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, and international development and how they are helping clients prepare for a more resilient future.

Headshot of Justin Goonesinghe

Justin Goonesinghe Discusses Designing Clean Hydrogen Markets to Support Decarbonization Efforts

Headshot of Jessica Harre

Jessica Harre Discusses Innovations and Emerging Technologies for Renewable Energy Engineering Design

Headshot of Shilpa Shah

Shilpa Shah Discusses Creating Resilient Power Systems

Headshot of Robert Zschuppe

Robert Zschuppe Discusses Supporting Resilient Winter Roads

Headshot of Andre Larocque

Andre Larocque Discusses Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovative Technologies to Support the Clean Energy Transition

Headshot of Caroline Villiard

Caroline Villiard Shares Crucial Perspectives on Infrastructure Inspections for Long-term Resilience

Headshot of Steven Reschke

Steve Reschke Discusses the Benefits of 3D Transportation Models

Headshot of Chris McClain

Chris McClain Discusses Leading with Safety on Projects around the World

Headshot of Ridge Robinson

Ridge Robinson Discusses Using Water Resources Economics to Evaluate the Costs and Benefits of Public Infrastructure Investments

Headshot of Carol Hufnagel

Carol Hufnagel Discusses Wet Weather Infrastructure

Headshot of Dr. Richard Cresswell

Dr. Richard Cresswell Discusses Managing Groundwater Holistically to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change 

Headshot of Wayne Brown

Dr. Wayne Brown Discusses Using Customized Modeling to Analyze Complex Processes

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