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Expert Interviews

Our experts discuss today’s trends and challenges in water, environment, sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, and international development and how they are helping clients prepare for a more resilient future.

Headshot of Colby Hoefar

Colby Hoefar Discusses Optimizing the Asset Life Cycle

Headshot of Jeanelle Blanchard

Jeannelle Blanchard Discusses the Nexus between Energy, Agriculture, and Water in Developing Countries to Increase Food Production

Headshot of Nick Welz

Nick Welz Discusses Submarine Cable Trends and Challenges in the Offshore Wind Industry

Headshot of Keith Henn

Keith Henn Discusses Creating Biogas and Biofuels from Waste

Headshot of Araí Monteforte

Araí Monteforte Looks at the Transition to Cleaner, More Sustainable Energy around the World

Headshot of Erin Toelke

Erin Toelke Discusses Challenges, Innovations, and Emerging Technologies for Solar Energy Development

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