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Tetra Tech’s greatest impact on the world is through the projects we perform in communities around the globe. In partnership with our clients, we are improving lives and creating a more sustainable future.

A sharecropper on a Kalehe coffee plantation tends to her bean field

Building Value Chain Resilience for Income and Food Access in Eastern DRC

USAID and project staff announce the Parliament of Georgia’s new website concept

Strengthening Democratic Governance in Georgia

USAID Oceans works with small and large-scale fishers to ensure all members of the seafood supply chain can contribute to end-to-end traceability

Combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing in Southeast Asia

Indonesian female turned away from the camera, facing the 70 MW Sirdap Wind Power Plant in South Sulawesi

Cutting Emissions in Indonesia through Clean Energy Development

Logs being brought in at the Blanco River basin port in Requena, Loreto

Advancing Peru’s Sustainable Forest Management through Technology

Tetra Tech chemists in a laboratory in Upper Egypt examine water samples to ensure the quality of produced water

Improving the Operational Performance and Financial Sustainability of the Egyptian Water Sector

Tetra Tech designs, models, and manages the U.S. National Airspace System

Modernizing the U.S. National Airspace System 

Aerial view of the 12 MGD surface water treatment plant

Delivering a New Drinking Water Treatment Plant for Rocket City, Alabama 

108” Horseshoe Tunnel crossing under the Agua Hediona Lagoon for the 54” Steel Conveyance Pipeline

Providing Reliable, High-Quality Drinking Water for San Diego

Intelligent Water System Central Control Room designed by Tetra Tech

Building Community Resiliency with Intelligent Water Management 

View along the earthen levee—Central Wetlands is the flooding source (right) and protection is provided to adjacent residents

Designing and Certifying a Levee System in Louisiana According to FEMA Criteria

Low-lying areas of Honolulu, Hawai'i, will be exposed to sea level rise

Assessing Vulnerability of the Hawaiian Islands to Sea Level Rise

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