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Tetra Tech’s greatest impact on the world is through the projects we perform in communities around the globe. In partnership with our clients, we are improving lives and creating a more sustainable future.

Husband and wife plant potato seeds in West Bengal, India

Boosting Economic Growth and Stability through Land and Resource Governance

A person speaking at a podium at Kosovo’s first-ever renewable energy auction, which competitively solicited 100 megawatts of solar energy

Enhancing Kosovo’s Energy Sustainability and Security

Two farmers prepare cacao samples to test quality

Delivering Land Titles to Households in Colombia 

A group of youth standing in a field watch a drone prepare to take off

Supporting Climate-Smart Adaptation and Resilience in Kosovo

Pile of grain bags available for sale outside a store in Uganda

Improving Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Agriculture in Africa

Fishermen on the beach in Zambezia

Reviving Zambezia’s Coastal Resources

A landscape shot of rice farmers in a field harvesting conservation-friendly rice

Transforming Market Systems in Cambodia’s Protected Areas

Aerial view of the partially below grade 4.0 MGD Serrano Water District PFAS Plant showing the exterior screen walls

Designing Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Treatment Facilities

Open dump site with large pile of waste and plastic pollution next to an ecologically significant landscape

Preventing Ocean Plastic Pollution through Sustainable Waste Management

Tetra Tech Hydrologist Casey O’Farrell undertaking groundwater measurement inside Melbourne Metro Tunnel construction site

Advancing Sustainable Public Transport Design to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Melbourne

Students sit at their desks in a new SEED Urban classroom at the newly expanded Kawale school

Expanding Access to Secondary Education and Improving Youth Livelihoods in Malawi

Aerial view of water treatment plant in Northern Ireland

Supporting Delivery of Safe Water across Northern Ireland

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