- Low carbon production of fuel cell quality hydrogen
- Efficient capture of carbon dioxide for sequestration
- California South Coast AQMD and San Joaquin Valley AQMD emission limit designs
- On-site hydrogen truck fueling, bulk transport, and high-pressure storage
- Implementation of a waste heat recovery system
Our blue hydrogen technology selection and resulting preliminary design uses partial oxidation technology to produce fuel cell-quality gaseous hydrogen and capture a high-purity carbon dioxide stream for transport to sequestration. The design includes on-site truck fueling and high-pressure hydrogen and carbon dioxide storage and adheres to stringent emissions restrictions set by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the San Joaquin Valley AQMD in California.
Capture and compression of the carbon dioxide gas stream are crucial to meeting the project’s carbon intensity parameters. Tetra Tech’s design also includes waste heat recovery for binary cycle power generation, which uses heat that would have otherwise been lost or released and results in economic optimization and a smaller carbon footprint.