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Tetra Tech Recognizes Global Accessibility Awareness Day

The text “Recognizing Global Accessibility Awareness Day” with icons representing different disabilities underlaid with an outline of a map

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024, Tetra Tech announced that we are formalizing our company-wide accessibility efforts into our renamed and updated Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) Program.

This update reflects our belief that to have a truly effective and impactful diversity, equity, and inclusion program, accessibility must be included as a formal component. To be inclusive, we must also focus on accessibility.  According to the United Nations, 15 percent of the world’s population—an estimated one billion people—live with disabilities. This makes people with disabilities the world’s largest minority group. 

Accessibility refers to the ease with which an individual can access and use a space, service, or product within an environment—whether digital or physical.

At Tetra Tech, we want everyone to be able to access all our spaces and services. This approach is key to building a thriving, engaged, and effective employee community and makes good business sense.  

We have demonstrated our commitment to accessibility throughout our digital materials and products, workplaces, workplace practices, and 2030 Sustainability Goals. Now, we are taking stock of our efforts and evaluating where we can make the most additional impact for our employees, candidates, clients, and communities.  

We look forward to working with accessibility champions across the company and our TetrAbility Employee Resource Group to build on our current knowledge and enhance our existing practices. 

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we challenge other companies to ask the same question we did: 

  • Not: “Why should we focus on accessibility?” 
  • But: “Why wouldn’t we focus on accessibility?” 

Learn more about our commitment to equitable and accessible workplaces.

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