Tetra Tech worked with the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, to transform its approach to stormwater management with green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) and low impact development (LID).
Our GSI experts used our Leading with Science® approach to implement climate-resilient stormwater practices and infrastructure. In collaboration with City stakeholders, we assessed challenges and opportunities, developed a GSI framework, built local government capacity, and developed policy updates and innovative tools to support GSI and LID implementation on developed land, parks, and roadway projects.
- GSI and LID framework development, policy and code updates, and City operations capacity building
- Online GSI Cost Tool development to evaluate development opportunities
- More than 60 barriers to GSI and LID identified and mitigated or targeted for mitigation
- 27 sections of the City’s code updated to promote sustainable development
Our team worked with a City task force to identify and plan for mitigation of more than 60 challenges to GSI and LID implementation. The City Council unanimously approved our recommended changes for 27 sections of the City’s Unified Development Ordinance to remove barriers to LID implementation, streamline City procedures, and incentivize public and private development use of GSI. Tetra Tech also helped revise the City Streets Manual in conjunction with the code changes.
Drawing on our Tetra Tech Delta technology expertise, our team is leading development of an online cost tool to evaluate GSI and LID opportunities for City capital projects and encourage use of GSI and LID in private development.
The City of Raleigh received the International City/County Management Association Program Excellence Award for Community Sustainability for its GSI and LID program.