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Tetra Tech is Supporting the Next Generation of Evaluation Experts in Jordan

MSI, A Tetra Tech Company, is implementing the Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP) that helps the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Jordan Mission assess and improve its programming, develop data-driven best practices, and communicate the mission’s commitment to accountability and aid effectiveness.

This effort involves strengthening the monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) community of practice in Jordan. USAID’s Jordan MESP addresses the persistent shortage of qualified, entry-level monitoring and evaluation (M&E) professionals by developing the first-ever, three month, rapid M&E Apprenticeship Program.

Our team worked in consultation with the USAID/Jordan Mission to establish the need and design the apprenticeship program to fast-track nascent MEL professionals into long-term roles. The program provides targeted skills training courses for young Jordanian professionals and prepares them to join the M&E community within the development sector. Throughout the program, participants take part in intensive classroom courses, which are complimented by practical, on-the-job training with USAID’s implementing partners.

From the first graduating class in 2016, 12 out of the 13 apprentices successfully found employment in M&E roles within a few months of completing the program.

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